HemoSurf - Platelets

  Step 1: Examine and compare the quantitative and qualitative abnormalities of platelets
Look at the series of films of normal and pathological platelets. Compare the different shapes and try to memorize each of their characteristics.
Step 2: Recognize the quantitative and qualitative alterations of platelets
Decide whether or not the platelets are normal or pathological and which pathological abnormalities are present, if any. You will receive immediate notification as to whether you are right or wrong.
Step 3: Describe blood films with quantitatively and qualitatively abnormal platelets
You will examine a series of blood films at 400-fold and 1000-fold magnification. In each case, decide what kind of abnormality is present in the platelets. You will then find out what disease is being referred to at the end.
- Blood film 1:
- Blood film 2:
- Blood film 3:
- Blood film 4:
- Blood film 5:

Created on 4/16/98, last updated on 6/2/00, address remarks to Dr. med. U. Woermann